"Climbing is an amusement not much in favour with mothers; torn garments, bleeding knees, and boot-toes rubbed into holes, to say nothing of more serious risks, make a strong case against this form of delight. But, truly, the exercise is so admirable––the body being thrown into endless graceful postures which bring every muscle into play." - Charlotte Mason

Heart beats fast. Breath stops. Tongue is held. I watch in amazement and slight fear as I watch him take risk after risk. My mama instinct wants to jump in and throw caution. Protect. Yet I refrain. I am beginning to understand the importance of cultivating his discovery of self. How will he learn to trust his body if I continue to direct it? Of course rules and boundaries still exist, but the incessant warnings cease. Explore my child. In wonder and delight. And enjoy these precious moments.
What a great picture! I just showed my boys and thier grins were a mile wide. How they do love to climb. i don't even think they can help themselves--they just HAVE to do it!
ReplyDeleteThis blog is really great. i am loving all the CM quotations.
thanks greta. i love this pic of james & isaak. you can even catch a glimpse of william in the background, barely. :) good times.
ReplyDeleteWhat Fun! I need to get my James together with your boys:)