
s c r i p t u r e

"We are probably quite incapable of measuring the religious receptivity of children. Nevertheless, their fitness to apprehend the deep things of God is a fact with which we are called to 'deal prudently,' and to deal reverently.
Let the imaginations of children be stored with the pictures, their minds nourished upon the words, of the gradually unfolding story of the Scriptures, and they will come to look out upon a wide horizon within which persons and events take shape in their due place and due proportion. By degrees, they will see that the world is a stage whereon the goodness of God is continually striving with the wilfulness of man; that some heroic men take sides with God; and that others, foolish and headstrong, oppose themselves to Him. The fire of enthusiasm will kindle in their breast, and the children, too, will take their side, without much exhortation, or any thought or talk of spiritual experience." -Charlotte Mason

"The learning by heart of Bible passages should begin while the children are quite young. It is a delightful thing to have the memory stored with beautiful, comforting, and inspiring passages, and we cannot tell when and how this manner of seed may spring up, grow, and bear fruit." -Charlotte Mason

We have been talking a lot lately about what dwells in our hearts. That our actions speak louder than our words. That our actions come from within our hearts. We pray for our hearts to be cleansed. To wash away the bad things. To restore us. And then I stumble upon this verse. Simple. Straightforward. Upon waking from his afternoon nap, he saw this verse hanging over our fireplace. Smile widens. Eyes sparkle. There it is. In the midst of us. Our eyes stumble upon it over and over again. We read it. We pray it. And we begin a new journey as a family, memorizing Scripture together.

Presently, I lack in my blackboard artistry. However, I am so inspired by THESE examples. Take a look and be inspired. I am eager to create stunning boards for our home and look forward to developing my chalking skills!


  1. Jennifer! So inspired again. Can't wait to get a little blackboard now--so much better than using a piece of paper again and again.

  2. Don't underestimate your artistic talents, my
    dear ... your chalkboard art is beautiful! And,
    remember, it's more about the message!!!
