
f a i r y - l a n d

"Fairy-land is the children's kingdom to whatever nation or time they may belong, and it is a wonderful thought that the little ones of so many nationalities have for centuries shared the same friends. Fairy-land has been their common property for more years than we know and they have a just claim to it by right of their childhood's gifts. Only they can discover its hidden treasures. It fills their early days with never failing joy; it forms the foundation stone of that great power of after-life—imagination. It is a wonderful world, and nothing else could ever take its place—why should we deny the children entrance?" -Miss Claudia Davidson, Parents' Review

Miss Claudia Davidson's article "Fairy Stories as a Help or Hindrance in Education" from The Parents' Review, A Monthly Magazine of Home-Training and Culture- 1916, has some great words of wisdom. You can find it HERE. Do take a moment to read it in it's entirety.

"Bring up the anchor!" "Let's find the buried treasure!" "Come on Captain, let's go sail the Seven Seas!" "Bring up the sails!" "Shoot the bad guys!" Their imaginations soared. Their team work prevailed. Their fun was had! Although I only caught a glimpse of this amazing play, I delighted in witnessing the joy of childhood as they reenacted what fairy stories they knew. A passerby asked what their Pirate names were and they quickly replied, "Captain Hook!" "Blackbeard!" "Shooter!" I am ever thankful to be part of such an amazing homeschool community and do indeed enjoy watching our children grow.

1 comment:

  1. Great article on imagination and the role of fairy tales and fairy-land! "I think that every man and woman who, in childhood, lived in fairy-land is the richer for it, and has, because of it, a deeper and more tender vision into each minute centre of the life of nature."

    So precious are watching those little ones' imaginations at work. Atlantis Park nurtures that in them too, doesn't it?
