
l i v i n g - b o o k s

"The children must enjoy the book. The ideas it holds must each make that sudden, delightful, impact upon their minds, must cause that intellectual stir, which mark the inception of an idea." -Charlotte Mason

He joyfully sits on my lap, eagerly awaiting the words to come. His ears attentive, breathing in this new book. A book that comes alive with character, history, fact. Not a dull textbook in which information is to be extracted. A story that he can relate to, that draws him in, despite the length of the story or the minimal illustrations. He follows the story line. Anxious till the end. He just learned about the first train on the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad of New York in 1831. Wow. And he adored every minute of it. This is a living book.

Although I have studied Child Development, and worked with preschool aged children for many years, the concept of teaching from living books is new to me. I love it. I am quite stunned actually, that I am able to read books to my child that I would have never considered before coming to know about the Charlotte Mason teaching method and the Ambleside Online curriculum. Stories that are quite long. That use BIG words. That most adults would consider above a child's developmental level. It brings me great joy to witness my son so engrossed in these books, longing to find out what is to come, asking for more. It also brings me great joy after I have completed the story to reflect upon what has been learned. Incredible vocabulary and always a lesson. Building attention span + focus. Sheer delight in reading. It is a completely different feeling than after reading a book based on a modern television character. Just as we train our palate in food, so we train our child's palate in books. Ambleside Online offers a booklist for each grade. We are working on building our library from this list. I am now a scout for vintage books. And although the pictured book, America Travels by Alice Dalgliesh is not on the Ambleside Online booklist, it is indeed a living book and perfect for my son who is in to all things transportation.

"As for the matter of these books, let us remember that children can take in ideas and principles, whether the latter be moral or mechanical, as quickly and clearly as we do ourselves (perhaps more so); but detailed processes, lists and summaries, blunt the edge of a child's delicate mind. Therefore, the selection of their first lesson-books is a matter of grave importance, because it rests with these to give children the idea that knowledge is supremely attractive and that reading is delightful." -Charlotte Mason

You can find the Ambleside Online booklist for each grade HERE as well as more information on Living Books.


  1. Oh what a great book! And so true about these living books. i can't handle most any book based on modern day cartoon characters. Dora, for example, drives me up the wall. Maybe if we repeat something 50 times the kids will learn it?
    Or, make it interesting.

  2. Jen your pictures are beautiful! Looks like a great book. We read the Courage of Sarah Noble by her last year and enjoyed it. What a gift you are giving your son, to put him in touch with living books! I'm excited for you and this journey you are on!
