
i n v e s t i g a t i o n

"Lessons As Instruments Of Education- Resume of Six Points :

(a) That the knowledge most valuable to the child is that which he gets with his own eyes and ears and fingers (under direction) in the open air.

(b) That the claims of the schoolroom should not be allowed to encroach on the child's right to long hours daily for exercise and investigation.

(c) That the child should be taken daily, if possible, to scenes––moor or meadow, park, common, or shore––where he may find new things to examine, and so add to his store of real knowledge. That the child's observation should be directed to flower or boulder, bird or tree; that, in fact, he should be employed in gathering the common information which is the basis of scientific knowledge.

(d) That play, vigorous healthful play, is, in its turn, fully as important as lessons, as regards both bodily health and brain-power.

(e) That the child, though under supervision, should be left much to himself––both that he may go to work in his own way on the ideas that he receives, and also that he may be the more open to natural influences.

(f) That the happiness of the child is the condition of his progress; that his lessons should be joyous, and that occasions of friction in the schoolroom are greatly to be deprecated." -Charlotte Mason

"Moses The Kitten"
[What does a pig have to do with "Moses The Kitten" you ask? Do find out by reading the story in the book link listed below.]

"Smudge, The Little Lost Lamb"

"Blossom Comes Home"

We recently investigated THIS farm. What fun it was to play about, discovering life. Spring time on the farm is a rather exciting time, for new life is all around. Precious, baby farm animals. What a delight to explore their habits. And how utterly adorable they are. Currently, Isaak's favorite read is THIS book. A book which includes eight stories that come to life in the most intoxicating way. Stories about farm animals, families, hurt, joy... life. Long stories with big words and deep concepts. A book with gorgeous illustrations, making the animals we visited at the farm come to life in a whole new way. Do obtain a copy of this book and go enjoy spring time goodness on the farm. Simple lessons of story & sight. Including the six principles listed above by Miss Mason.

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