
f r a n c a i s

"A Formidable List of Attainments for a Child of Six-
#16. to name 20 common objects in French, and say a dozen little sentences" -Charlotte Mason

We enter the market, our eyes drawn to the glass case full of beautiful + colorful pastries. "Mama? I want the VERT & ROUGE cookie!" Proudly, I agree. We make the purchase and head to the car. I explain how large the cookie is and that he will only be allowed to eat a small portion. "Mama? Can I have UN, DEUX, TROIS, QUATRE, CINQ bites?" Once again... proudly, I agree. "But, can I have DIX bites?" Uh, no child... no. Nice try though. French has grabbed hold of this child. Daily, he implements all the words he knows. He had to telephone our lovely French teacher the other day because he insisted on knowing how to say a word in French. "Mama... I need to learn French, I need to talk to Mrs. Montiel so she can teach me!" I am loving this journey. Apparently, so is he.

You can find the colors in French HERE. You can find the numbers in French HERE. If you click on the blue underlined word, you will hear the word pronounced.


  1. Precious! I have been teaching Emme a little French...mostly because I lov to hear her little voice say, "Je m'appelle Emme!" and " Je t'aime!" I am just starting to introduce counting, colors, fruits, etc. It is so interesting to watch their interest develop and then really go for it when you see that opportunity before you!

  2. How lovely to see his enthusiasm for French. His lessons with Miss Danielle must have made a big impression. How could one refuse the vert et rouge biscuit when he asks like THAT?
